Distinctions Between Bantu Somalis and Breed Somalis

Professor Bantu
12 min readAug 19, 2023


Did you know that there are two different ethnic groups living in Somalia? There are Bantu Somalis and Inbred Somalis in Somalia. Also, there are many distinctions between the two groups. The outrightly noticeable differences are the physical body structures. Any stranger can tell the two groups apart because their physical body features are distinct. Body features are not the only features that create a distinction between the Inbred Somalis and the Bantu Somalis. The two groups have ideological and behavioral differences. Their mannerisms of talking, walking, and behaving are distinct. In particular, their behavior is a consequence of their nature, which is also different. Their ideological differences emanate from how they are socialized. The Inbred Somalis are taught to be radical, while the Bantu Somalis are docile. Reviewing the terms “radical” and “docile,” let’s compare the sociological makeup of the two groups. People who over-express their emotions and appear violent at times, contrary to human conventions, are radicals. In contrast, docile individuals are moral and sensible, and they take the time to communicate their emotions. Some other differences include living in different territories and engaging in various occupations. The Inbred Somalis group occupies the dry northern Somalia, while the Bantu Somalis occupies the rainy and wet southern region with plenty of agricultural lands. In addition to living in different areas, they have distinct occupations. The Bantu Somalis are agriculturalists, while the Inbred Somalis are nomadic camel-herders. Therefore, the two groups differ in various ways, including their physical body structure consisting of size, skeleton, facial skull, dental, genetics, hair texture, forehead, nose shape, male genitalia, voice, lineage, behaviors, territories, and economic activities.

Body mass is one of the important distinctions between the Bantu Somalis and the Inbred Somalis. Notably, the Bantu Somalis have medium-height and bulkier bodies, while the Inbred Somalis are taller and slimmer. That creates a significant difference in terms of body strength and stability. The Bantu Somalis’ medium-height and more muscular bodies give them the stability to move quickly and give them the power needed for sports activities and manual labor. The bulky and medium-height body also provides physical balance and stability. On the other hand, the taller and slimmer bodies of the Inbred Somalis have less stability and strength to do activities and provide manual labor. That may be why the two groups dominate different activities. Thus, the stature differences make the Bantu Somalis stronger and more stable than the Inbred Somalis people.

In addition, the Bantu Somalis and Inbred Somalis differ in the quality of their skeletons. From an observer’s eye, it is easy to see the Bantu Somalis as a robust and steady skeleton, while the Inbred Somalis has a lean skeleton supporting their skinny bodies. As a result, the Bantu Somalis with steady skeletons have an immense ability to support their weight and move easily compared to the Inbred Somalis, whose lean skeleton does not provide enough ability to support their weight. In that case, the quality of the body skeleton between the Bantu Somalis and Inbred Somalis creates a distinction in their ability to support their weight and movement.

Bantu Somalis and Inbred Somalis have distinctions in their facial skulls. At first glance, even a foreigner can distinguish the wider facial skulls of the Bantu Somalis from the narrow and long skull of the Inbred Somalis. These distinctions come with significant advantages or disadvantages. The benefits are that a wider skull gives an impression of good health and strength, while a thin and long facial skull makes one look weak or as if they’re in a sickly state. That indicates the skull differences make the Bantu Somalis people appear healthier than their Inbred Somalis counterparts. Thus, their skulls are distinct and have a healthy connotation.

Furthermore, the Bantu Somalis and Inbred Somalis have distinctions in their dental structures. At a glance, a foreigner can distinguish the beautiful, clean, straight, and white gleaming teeth of the Bantu Somalis people from the crooked, decayed, and yellow teeth of the Inbred Somalis. Due to the dirty teeth of the Inbred Somalis, they rarely smile. For them, it is challenging to chew food, clean, talk, or avoid jaw problems. Their facial structure is dented by the crooked-looking teeth, making them seek dental services to clean up their teeth. On the contrary, the Bantu Somalis have no problem with their smile since their teeth are white and clean. Thus, the differences in dental structures are humiliating for the Inbred Somalis with bad teeth.

Still, the Bantu Somalis and Inbred Somalis distinctions in hair textures are easily noticeable even by a stranger at first glance. The Bantu Somalis people have medium-length hair that grows short in an Afro texture naturally, while the Inbred Somalis have thin textured hair that grows to longer lengths, resembling Middle Eastern hair. Each hair texture has some considerable benefits. For instance, the Bantu Somalis’ Afro-textured hair is braidable with ease. On the other hand, the soft textured hair of the Inbred Somalis is easy to comb and grows much faster. Thus, there are glaring distinctions between the Bantu Somalis and Inbred Somalis hair texture, each with its sizable share of benefits.

Again, the Bantu Somalis and Inbred Somalis foreheads differ in their size, and any foreigner can tell them apart. Notably, Bantu Somalis foreheads are small, whereas the Inbred Somalis have large foreheads. The large foreheads of the Inbred Somalis are an advantage because it provides adequate space for hosting the frontal lobe, which is part of the brain responsible for lying, tricks, and manipulating things. That means the Inbred Somalis have superior cognitive behavior, personality expression, decision-making, and moderation for social behavior than their Bantu Somalis counterparts. Thus, the small forehead of the Bantu Somalis is a disadvantage to them because it makes them easy to manipulate. Still, the large forehead is not all good because it makes people impatient and unhinges frequently. Additionally, people with large foreheads also like to express their thoughts, unlike people with small foreheads. Therefore, the differences in forehead size influence the manipulation ability, cognition, and decision-making of the two groups of people.

Another distinction between the Bantu Somalis and Inbred Somalis groups lies in their nose shapes. The Inbred Somalis have pointed noses with narrow holes, whereas the Bantu Somalis have flat noses with wide holes. Each nose shape has some considerable benefits. For instance, a flat nose with wide holes is unbreakable under any circumstances, including being punched or falling from a great height. Still, the wide holes also allow enough air to enter the lungs through the body. The lungs absorb oxygen from inhaled air and transport it to the blood and the body’s cells. Those same wide holes expel carbon dioxide from the body through the lungs. On the other hand, the pointed nose with narrow holes is considered the beauty standard in modern times in certain locations in the world. According to a famous saying, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, “It means beauty cannot be judged objectively, for what one group finds beautiful or admirable may not appeal to another.” However, despite the slim nose having a beautiful shape, the narrow holes do not have much physical benefit since it does not allow enough air into the lungs. It reduces the intake of oxygen. In that case, the distinction in nose shape determines the differences in the level of oxygen supply in the body.

Yet, the Bantu Somalis and Inbred Somalis have distinctions in the male genitalia and testicles. This distinction is important because male genitalia carry a lot of ethnic origin significance. This distinction shows that Bantu Somalis males have large penises and powerful testes, whereas Inbred Somalis males have small penises and weak testes. That indicates the Bantu Somalis males have superior testosterone hormones to the Inbred Somalis. It means that their male body processes, such as hair growth, voice deepening during puberty, and muscle and bone mass development, are all regulated by testosterone and are also better than those of the Inbred Somalis males. Again, since the role of the testes is to produce sperm, it is notable that the Bantu Somalis with strong testes can make more sperm than the Inbred Somalis with weak tests. As a result of the weak testes, the Inbred Somalis males may have several problems, such as trouble starting a family, trouble keeping healthy relationships going, and low self-esteem. The weak male testicles can’t last longer or satisfy their wives during sex, so there are more divorces in the Inbred Somalis community. Many Inbred Somali females are complaining with their Inbred Somali males. According to them, “Somali men are too emotional and cannot satisfy them in bed and that when they marry other men, Somali men start harassing them in public”. On the other hand, Bantu Somalis male fertility can reproduce without medical assistance because they have large genitalia, and strong testicles are more likely to be stable and long-lasting. Thus, the Bantu Somalis men with big and strong penis have higher male fertility, which is critical for forming and maintaining strong, healthy family relationships. To compete with Bantu Somalis men, Inbred Somalis men recently began using Viagra. However, Viagra is a drug with side effects such as exposing men to a greater risk of losing feelings of sexual urge and may be unable to erect. Further, a lot of the children who are born by men who use Viagra drugs during sex have abnormalities such as autism. In that case, the difference in the size of the male genitalia in the two groups makes the differences in their male characteristics and level of fertility.

Additionally, the Inbred Somalis and Bantu Somalis people have distinct voices that even a stranger can differentiate. The Bantu Somalis people have a deep voice, whereas the Inbred Somalis have a high-pitched voice. Deeper voice of the Bantu Somalis is considered more masculine. With it, one is perceived to be authoritative as well as trustworthy. That aspect is seen in the Bantu Somalis people’s lives as they do what they say. Again, the deep voice is advantageous to the Bantu Somalis people leading the army. It gives them an authoritative voice, although leading the military successfully requires more skills than this. On the other hand, the Inbred Somalis high-pitched voice is considered feminine and it is interpreted as innocent. Thus, there is a common stereotype that people with high-pitched voices are innocent, which is not always true. Particularly in the case of the Inbred Somalis’ high-pitched voice cannot be mistaken for innocence. That is because a person’s voice is not an indicator of their personality or behavior. Thus, voice alone cannot be used to determine innocence or criminality; one has to consider other factors, such as the person’s history, actions, and behavior. Therefore, the voice distinction between the Bantu Somalis and the Inbred Somalis can help to presume their authoritativeness or innocence, but that is only a presumption.

It is also worth noting that the Bantu Somalis and Inbred Somalis have significant genetic distinctions. These distinctions may not be clear, but nuances that separate one culture from another can be seen upon closer inspection. The Bantu Somalis gene pool is dominant, while the Inbred Somalis gene pool is recessive. Due to the strong gene pool, the Bantu Somalis are less likely to experience the effects of inherited diseases and disorders. Again, Bantu Somalis’ strong gene defeats other genes. If a Bantu Somalis male or female has a child with others, that child will always have a Bantu Somalis appearance. It means that Bantu Somalis genes cannot be eradicated by mixing with them; they always overshadow other genes and can be passed down from generation to generation. This is a reflection of the fact that the majority of the groups in Africa consist of Bantu people, while other groups are the minority. In that case, the Bantu Somalis have stronger genes than the Inbred Somalis making their genes dominant.

Moreover, the distinction between Bantu Somalis and Inbred Somalis in Somaliland is also marked by differences in their genealogies. The Bantu Somalis people’s ancestors are indigenous in Africa, while the Inbred Somalis ancestors originated in the Middle East and south Asia. According to scholars, the Bantu Somalis are among the most ancient descended from Ham, the son of Prophet Nuh. On the other hand, Inbred Somalis are of mixed ancestry, descended from both Africans and Arab ancestors; they are evidence of their gene pool mixing during the Arab invasion. Most Inbred Somalis are proud of their mixed ancestry and believe they are too beautiful to be Africans. Despite the fact that their ancestors served as concubines for the Arab conqueror, still they claim Arab identity, but the Arabs also reject them because they are too ugly to be Arabs. As a result, the Inbred Somalis are classified as a distinct African or Arab. This has resulted in a strong identity crisis among the Inbred Somalis, something other African groups do not possess. In that case, the distinction in lineage has given the Bantu Somalis and the Inbred Somalis different ancestries.

There are also notable distinctions between the Bantu Somalis and Inbred Somalis mindsets that are evident even to a foreigner. The Inbred Somalis are naturally radical, whereas the Bantu Somalis are submissive and calm. It means that the Inbred Somalis overexpress their emotions and appear violent, which is a behavior that is contrary to human conventions. In that case, the Inbred Somalis act quickly and make snap decisions with little regard for the consequences of their actions. Due to their irrational approach to solving problems, Inbred Somalis are more inclined to indulge in violence. It is a myth that they are descended from one family tree. They are a bunch of one night stand Inbreds; they just alliance for political purposes. The fact that each subgroup among them is composed of descendants from different forefathers is the evidence that explains their undisciplined behavior. Their ancestry was formed out of wedlock and did not have a father figure to look up to. That explains why tribal and clan conflicts that cause pain and sorrow and assaults on other groups are overrepresented in the Inbred Somalis community. In contrast, the Bantu Somalis are docile, moral, and sensible individuals who take the time to communicate their emotions. They are the most analytical among their peers. As a result of their logical manner of thinking, Bantu Somalis rarely indulge in aggressive action. While their thought processes may not be as swift as those of the Inbred Somalis, they easily create trust in others. Due to the docile nature of the Bantu Somalis, Inbred Somalis sometimes take advantage of their average thinking because it takes time for them to react or change their habits. Again, the Bantu Somalis rarely accept changes in their social behavior due to their rigid nature. In that case, the behavioral distinction between the two groups results from the violent nature of the Inbred Somalis and the docile nature of the Bantu Somalis.

Ultimately, the distinctions between the Bantu Somalis and Inbred Somalis in Somalia are also found in the territories they occupy and their economic activities. The Bantu Somalis are significantly concentrated in the country’s southern region, particularly near the Juba and Shabelle rivers, where the climate is chilly and moist. Due to the Bantu Somalis occupying a rich agricultural land, their primary economic activity is agricultural cultivation, with some minor animal raising. For agricultural purposes, they rely mainly on the typical rainfall of the southern region and water from the Juba and Shabelle rivers. On the other hand, the Inbred Somalis inhabit the northern Somali region, which is a semidesert with hot and dry weather. As a result, the economic activity suitable for this region is livestock keeping. Thus, the Inbred Somalis keep many animals because this is their primary economic activity. They are also nomads because they wander from one location to another in search of water and pasture. Their livelihood depends entirely on livestock products from goats, sheep, cows, and camels. Thus, most of their diet consists of animal products, especially cattle meat. In that case, the economic activities of the Bantu Somalis and Inbred Somalis also lead to diet differences. The Bantu Somalis diet is mainly vegetables, while the Inbred Somalis diet comprises meat. Therefore, the distinction in the territories occupied by the Bantu Somalis and Inbred Somalis trickles down to their variances in economic activities and diet.

In conclusion, the Bantu Somalis and Inbred Somalis differ in various ways, including their physical body structure consisting of size, skeleton, facial skull, dental, genetics, hair texture, forehead, nose shape, male genitalia, and voice, lineage, behaviors, territories, and economic activities. The body distinctions have given them variances in their body physique with unique characteristics. Generally, the Inbred Somalis are portrayed to have weaker body structures than the Bantu Somalis people. Again, their behavior differences are influenced by the aggressive nature of the Inbred Somalis and the docile nature of the Bantu Somalis. As a result, Bantu Somalis are tranquil and methodical in their decision-making, whereas the Inbred Somalis are quick to make decisions and stubborn. Regarding the territories, the Inbred Somalis live in Northern Somalia, where they practice nomadism, while the Bantu Somalis people live in Southern Somalia as crop farmers. Moreover, the Bantu Somalis have an Africans genealogy, and the Inbred Somalis have ancestry from Arabs and Indians. Thus, fundamental distinctions between the Bantu Somalis and the Inbred Somalis make them differ. There is more that separates the two groups than what connects them.



Professor Bantu

Hello everyone! I am Professor Bantu. I studied sociology while also working as a history researcher and human rights activist.